A 23 year old here, a 10 year old there...a five year old, a 50 year old, a spy suspect, a war prisoner...I wonder where and what we're headed to, and where the stop is! If there is one, of course.
There have been talks and condemnation of female infanticide and foeticide over and over, time and again, Their being associated to family honour and so on too sees the disapproving eye with "why associate them with family honour?".
"Well, why not?!"
With atrocities to women taking alarming proportions, would people want to lose peace of mind and sleep and what not, in the name of having daughters?
What is the man supposed to do? Go out to earn his family's livelihood, or sit guard on his womenfolk? And, if he sits guarding them, who gets the bread home?!
Those that have and bring up daughters live constantly through the hell called 'the fear (the trauma) of the daughter being assaulted, violated any minute'! Some come out unscathed, others end up being not so lucky.
And what next?
Marry her off to some brute who'll beat her for more dowry...burn her alive?!
Where lie the roots of female infanticide/foeticide, then? And their association with family honour? It is high time we think hard on this one!
No, this is no justification for female infanticide/foeticide. These are atrocities too, and call for condemnation big time! These could serve as excuses...even reasons though.
...the thought process?
We have to make the world safe for women (age no bar)!
"Yea, so what's new in this? Don't we all already know this?" You'd want to say.
"Sure! You surely do! This isn't new(s) of course! Okay, so give us the new/s--what is your bit in helping make the world safe for women?
...As safe as it is for men, to begin with."
There have been talks and condemnation of female infanticide and foeticide over and over, time and again, Their being associated to family honour and so on too sees the disapproving eye with "why associate them with family honour?".
"Well, why not?!"
With atrocities to women taking alarming proportions, would people want to lose peace of mind and sleep and what not, in the name of having daughters?
What is the man supposed to do? Go out to earn his family's livelihood, or sit guard on his womenfolk? And, if he sits guarding them, who gets the bread home?!
Those that have and bring up daughters live constantly through the hell called 'the fear (the trauma) of the daughter being assaulted, violated any minute'! Some come out unscathed, others end up being not so lucky.
And what next?
Marry her off to some brute who'll beat her for more dowry...burn her alive?!
Die of shame if she was violated, for there's no groom to ever wed her (or even her sister/s), there's no neighbourhood that will let you and her be, that will let you and her heal--so there's no 'normal' life for them, if there can be one, that is.Where lie the roots of female infanticide/foeticide, then? And their association with family honour? It is high time we think hard on this one!
No, this is no justification for female infanticide/foeticide. These are atrocities too, and call for condemnation big time! These could serve as excuses...even reasons though.
...the thought process?
We have to make the world safe for women (age no bar)!
"Yea, so what's new in this? Don't we all already know this?" You'd want to say.
"Sure! You surely do! This isn't new(s) of course! Okay, so give us the new/s--what is your bit in helping make the world safe for women?
...As safe as it is for men, to begin with."